Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Top Ten Books That You Wish Were Taught In Schools

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I never liked being forced to read a book and was thus predisposed to not like it as much. But hopefully that would never happen to these books!

Top Ten Books That You Wish Were Taught In Schools

1. Swiss Family Robinson by Johann Spry
The flora and fauna is a very jumbled mix but it's a great story of a ship wrecked family!

2. Snow Treasure by Mary McSwigan
Great adventure based off of true events set during WWII for elementary kids.

3. Wizard of Oz by Frank L. Baum
Supposedly it's a commentary on the economic policy of the day, but I just read it as a fun story, so to actually learn about the commentary side would be interesting. But then, the teacher would probably ruin the fun story part...

4. Romans from the Holy Bible
A long time ago it was used in a Harvard class to teach logic. (I read that somewhere a long time ago and tried to find a good online source but in the 4 minutes I spent searching only found other people asking the same thing or an un-cited source stating it.)

5. Beric the Briton by G.A. Henty
One of my favorite Henty tales - I know what a phalanx is because of this book. Tells the adventure of a Beric, who grows into manhood when Rome was conquering Briton.

6. 1776 by David McCullough
Maybe kids would find history more interesting if they got to read stories of it instead of textbooks...

7. Bruchko by Bruce Olson
Facinating account of a man who lived with a Colombian jungle tribe who had little if any contact with the rest of the world.

8. Up from Slavery by Booker T. Washington
Great autobiography! I read it for school (homeschool!), but I don't think it's standard fare.

9. Battle of Wits: complete story of code breaking in World War II by Stephen Budiansky
Borrowed this from the library in college and while the amount of information was overwhelming it gave a great picture of what it took to break the Enigma and the Purple encryption machine generated codes.

10. Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham
I read this for school also, a very interesting account of how a math genius changed navigation forever.

What books do you wish kids were taught or asked to read in school?

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  1. Snow Treasure! Yes. My husband read it in sixth grade and loved it. We were so happy to see it as assigned reading for our son when he was in sixth grade.

    Here are my thoughts on the Best Required Reading!

    1. It is a fun story! I'm reading it to the fourth graders during their library time this fall. Hoping they'll enjoy it as much as I did.
      Wow you have quite a list there! Love your take on the theme.

  2. Loved Swiss Family Robinson too!

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Thanks for visiting! You've got some great articles on blogging!

  3. Hey Rina! Always enjoy your blog posts, what a blessing you are :) I nominated your blog for the Liebster Award, big time hugs and congrats to you!

    1. Hi Kara! Thanks so much! Just saw your comment and immediately went over to read your post. Looking forward to answering the questions you posed. Hugs back!


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