As you probably already noticed I now have a (slightly) new look to my blog! Isn't the banner image / title image / that picture up top nice? Many thanks to my friend, N. for designing and drawing it for me!
Through the page I've also "liked" several other great authors and bloggers that you should check out.
- Pinterest and Blogging: The Good, The Bad and the Huh? gives an overview of how pinterest can be utilized to a bloggers advantage.
- Pinterest and Book Blogging: Use the Latest Social Media Craze to your Site's Advantage tells you how book bloggers can use pinterest.
- Pinterest Tips for Writers lists some publishers and authors that are on the site and as the title says, includes some tips of course.
- Newfangled Tech for Olde Fashioned Whatnot was not a post I expected from a blog that focuses on all things colonial! But I think this was the post that pushed me over the edge to wanting to join. :)
And a heads up for Thursday through Tuesday! I'll be participating in a blog hop giveaway that you won't want to miss!
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