Top Ten Books On My Fall To-Be-Read list
1. Golden Daughter by Anne Elisabeth Stengl
My favorite series! The next book comes out in November! Can't wait!
2. The Vow: the true story that inspired the movie by Kim & Krickett Carpenter
While cataloging it for the library I started flipping through it, looks interesting!
Yeah, this was on a TTT-read-in-2013 list and this years TTT-spring-TBR list... hopefully this season.
I fell in love with Susan May Warren's Deep Haven series last winter and then started her Christiansen Family series. This is book three in the series.
6. An Eye for an Eye by Irene Hannon
Because I enjoyed Dee Henderson's O'Malley series I thought I'd try Irene Hannon's Heroes of Quantico series. Book one certainly kept me turning the pages and I'd love to find out Mark's story.
7. From Slave to Governor by Perry Thomas
I've met the author and my mom really enjoyed this book. But I've never gotten around to reading it. I want to though.
8. The notorious Benedict Arnold : a true story of adventure, heroism, & treachery by Steve Sheinkin
I need to read more non-fiction... And I like American Revolutionary War history. And I really liked the other book by this author that I read.
9. Thursday's with the Crown by Jessica Day George
I'm reading the first book in the series to 2nd grade and book two ends on a bit of a cliff hanger, so I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next!
10. The Bravest Princess by E.D. Baker
This is also book three in a middle-grade series that I've really enjoyed. A fun twist on classic fairytales all jumbled together. Book #1: Wide Awake Princess
What books do you want to read this fall?
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